1. Using platinum resistance thermometer to find the melting point of a given substance.

  2. Determine the thermodynamic constant 𝜸 (gamma) = Cp/Cv using clements and Desormes method.

  3. Determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee method.

  4. Determination of a ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometers

  5. Determination of high resistance by leakage method using ballistic galvanometers.

  6. Study of variation of total thermal radiation with temperature.

  7. To study conductor interaction through fall to magnet in a hollow metal cylinder.

  8. To study temperature variation of modulus of rigidity. (Probably moved to B.Sc. part III, have to consult with 3rd year teachers)

  9. Plot thermo emf versus temperatures graph and find the neutral temperature uses and bath.

  10. Study the magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil. Plot the necessary graph and hence find the radius of the circular coil. (This was here by mistake. You have already done in B.Sc. part I)

  11. Study of power supply using half wave. Full wave and bridge rectifier with various filter circuits.

  12. Study of half wave rectifier using single diode and application of L and 𝝅 section filter.

  13. To study characteristics of a given transistor PNP/NPN.

  14. Determination of band gap using a junction diode (Can be done by two batches, forward and reverse).

  15. Study of single stage transistor audio amplifier (variation of gain with frequency).

  16. To determine e/m by Thomson's method.

  17. De-Sauty bridge and Anderson bridge.

  18. Study of diffraction pattern of a grating (depressive power of prism has to be completed in B.Sc. part I).

  19. Newton's rings (if not done in B.Sc. part I, need to confirm)

  20. Fresnel bi-prism. (if not done in B.Sc. part I, need to confirm)