Electronics and Solid State Devices

Electronics and Solid State Physics

(Timing: Monday and Tuesday, 08:00 AM – 09:00 AM)

Unit I

Circuit analysis: Networks-some important definitions, loop and nodal equations based on DC and AC circuits (Kirchhof's Laws).

Four terminal network: Ampere-volt conventions, open, close and hybrid parameters of any four terminal network; Input, Output and mutual impedence for an active four terminal network.

Various circuit theorems: Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, reciprocity, compensation, maximum power transfer and Miller theorems.

Unit II

Semi-conductors and rectifications: Charge densities in N and P materials; Conduction by drift and diffusion of charge carriers, PN diode equation; capacitance effects.

Rectifiers: Half-wave, full wave and bridge rectifier: calculation of ripple factor, efficiency and regulation; Filters: series inductor, shunt capacitor, L section and π section filters.

Voltage regulation: Voltage regulation and voltage stabilization by Zener diode, voltage multiplier.

Unit III

Transistor and transistor bias circuits: Notations and volt-ampere characteristics for bipolar junctions, transistor; Concept of load line and operating point, Hybrid parameters.

Transistor as amplifier: CB, CE, CC configurations; Analysis of transistor amplifiers using hybrid parameters and its gain-frequency response; Cascade amplifiers, basic idea of direct coupled and R-C coupled amplifiers; Differential amplifiers.

Need of bias and stability of Q point: stability factors, various types of bias circuits for thermal bias stability: fixed bias, collector to base feed back bias and four resistor bias.

Unit IV

Amplifier with feed back: Concept of feed back, positive and negative feed back, voltage and current feed back circuits.

Advantages of negative feed back: Stabilization of gain, effect of negative feed back on output and intput resistance, reduction of nonlinear distortion, effect on gain - frequency response.

Oscillators: Criteria for self excited and self sustained oscillations, circuit requirement for build-up of oscillation; Basic transistor oscillator circuit and its analysis: Colpitt's and Hartely oscillators, RC Oscillators, crystal oscillators and its advantages.

Unit V

Field effect transistors and logic circuits: Junction field effect transistor (JFET) and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET): circuit symbols, biasing and volt-ampere characteristics, source follower operation of JFET, FET as variable voltage resister.

Logic circuits: Logic fundamentals: AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR gates, Boolean algebra, De Morgan's theorem, positive and negative logic, logic gates circuit realization using DTL and TTL logic, simplification of Boolean expressions.

Reference books

  1. John D. Ryder, Electronic Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
  2. John D. Ryder, Engineering Electronics, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi.
  3. Jacob Millman and Christosc Hailkias, Integrated Electronics. Analog and Digital Circuits and systems: McGraw-Hill Ltd. (1972)
  4. Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Computer Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill publication Co. Ltd., New Delhi (1983)
  5. Kumar & Gupta, Hand book of Electronics.
  6. G.K. Mithal, Hand Book of Electronics.
  7. G.K. Mithal, Electronics Devices and Applications.
  8. R.P. Jain, Digital Electronics.