Sanjeev Kumar
You are probably here in search of one of my course websites. They are here:
List of practicals in BSc Pt-II
List of practicals in BSc Pt-II
(Timing: Wednesday and Thursday, 12:00 PM – 02:00 PM)
(I took these classes at the end time when most of the students has finished their work.
So, I didn't perform any work in these classes. This list me be incomplete.)
Section A
Section A
- Using platinum resistance thermometer find the melting point of a given substance.
- Using Newton's rings method find out the wave length of a monochromatic source.
- To determine dispersive power of prism.
- To determine wave length of sodium light using grating.
- To determine wave length of sodium light using Biprism
- To determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee's method.
- Determination of ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer.
Section B
Section B
- Study of half wave rectifier using single diode and application of L and π section filters.
- To study characteristics of a given transistor PNP/NPN (common emitter, common base and common collector configurations).
- Determination of band gap using a junction diode.
- To determine e/m by Thomson's method.
- Measurement of inductance of a coil by Anderson's bridge.
- Measurement of capacitance and dielectric constant of a liquid and gang condensor by de-Sauty bridge.
List of practicals in BSc Pt-III
List of practicals in BSc Pt-III
(Timing: Wednesday and Thursday, 02:00 PM – 04:00 PM)
(I took these classes at the end time when most of the students has finished their work.
So, I didn't perform any work in these classes. This list me be incomplete.)
Section A
Section A
So, I didn't perform any work in these classes. This list may be incomplete.)
- Determination of Planck's constant using solar cell.
- Study of the temperature dependence of resistance of a semi-conductor (four probe method).
- Study of characteristics of a GM counter and verification of inverse square law for the same strength of a radioactive source.
- Study of β-absorption in Al foil using GM counter.
Section B
Section B
- Study of a R-C transmission line at 50 Hz
- Using discrete components, study OR, AND, NOT logic gates, compare with TTL integrated circuits.