Sanjeev Kumar

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List of practicals in BSc Pt-II

(Timing: Wednesday and Thursday, 12:00 PM – 02:00 PM)

(I took these classes at the end time when most of the students has finished their work.

So, I didn't perform any work in these classes. This list me be incomplete.)

Section A

  1. Using platinum resistance thermometer find the melting point of a given substance.
  2. Using Newton's rings method find out the wave length of a monochromatic source.
  3. To determine dispersive power of prism.
  4. To determine wave length of sodium light using grating.
  5. To determine wave length of sodium light using Biprism
  6. To determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee's method.
  7. Determination of ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer.

Section B

  1. Study of half wave rectifier using single diode and application of L and π section filters.
  2. To study characteristics of a given transistor PNP/NPN (common emitter, common base and common collector configurations).
  3. Determination of band gap using a junction diode.
  4. To determine e/m by Thomson's method.
  5. Measurement of inductance of a coil by Anderson's bridge.
  6. Measurement of capacitance and dielectric constant of a liquid and gang condensor by de-Sauty bridge.

List of practicals in BSc Pt-III

(Timing: Wednesday and Thursday, 02:00 PM – 04:00 PM)

(I took these classes at the end time when most of the students has finished their work.

So, I didn't perform any work in these classes. This list me be incomplete.)

Section A

So, I didn't perform any work in these classes. This list may be incomplete.)

  1. Determination of Planck's constant using solar cell.
  2. Study of the temperature dependence of resistance of a semi-conductor (four probe method).
  3. Study of characteristics of a GM counter and verification of inverse square law for the same strength of a radioactive source.
  4. Study of β-absorption in Al foil using GM counter.

Section B

  1. Study of a R-C transmission line at 50 Hz
  2. Using discrete components, study OR, AND, NOT logic gates, compare with TTL integrated circuits.