BSc pt III lab

List of practicals in BSc Pt-III

(Timing: Friday and Saturday, 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM)

(समय: शुक्रवार और शनिवार, सुबह ०८:०० बजे से सुबह १०:०० बजे तक।)

Section A

  1. Determination of Planck's constant by photo cell (retarding potential method using optical filters, preferably five wave length).
  2. Determination of Planck's constant using solar cell.
  3. Determination of Stefan's constant (Black body method)
  4. Study of the temperature dependence of resistance of a semiconductor (four probe method).
  5. Study of Iodine spectrum with the help of grating and spectrometer and ordinary bulb light.
  6. Study of characteristics of a GM counter and verification of inverse square law for the same strength of a radioactive source.
  7. Study of β-absorption in Al foil using GM Counter.
  8. To find the magnetic susceptibility of a para-magnetic solution using Quincke's method. Also find the ionic molecular susceptibility of the ion and magnetic moment of the ion in terms of Bohr magneton.
  9. Determination of coefficient of rigidity as a function of temperature using torsional oscillator (resonance method).
  10. Study of polarization by reflection from a glass plate with the help of Nicol prism and photo cell and verification of Brewster law and law of Malus.
  11. e/m measurement by helical method.
  12. Measurement of magnetic field using ballistic galvanometers and search coil. Study of variation of magnetic field of an electromagnet with current.
  13. Measurement of electric charge by Millikan's oil drop method.

Section B

  1. Study of a R-C transmission line at 50 Hz.
  2. Study of a L-C transmission line
    1. at fixed frequency.
    2. at variable frequency.
  3. Study of resonance in an LCR circuit (using air core inductance and damping by metal plate)
    1. at fixed frequency by varying C, and
    2. by varying frequency.
  4. Study of the characteristics of junction diode & Zener diode.
  5. Study of
    1. Recovery time of junction diode and point contact diode.
    2. Recovery time as a function of frequency of operation and switching current.
  6. To design Zener regulated power supply and study the regulation with various loads.
  7. To study the characteristics of a field effect transistor (FET) and design/study amplifier of finite gain (10).
  8. To study the frequency response of a transistor amplifier and obtain the input and output impenitence of the amplifier.
  9. To design and study of an R-C phase shift oscillator and measure output impendence (frequency response with change of component of R and C).
  10. To study a voltage multiplier circuit to generate high voltage D.C. from A.C.
  11. Using discrete components, study OR, AND, NOT logic gates, compare with TTL integrated circuits (I.C.'s).
  12. Application of operational amplifier (OP-AMP) as : Minimum two of the following exercises (a) Buffer (for accurate voltage measurement) (b) inverting amplifier (c) Non inverting amplifier (d) Summing amplifier.