Mathematical Physics

B.Sc. pt II (hons) course

unit II and V of Mathematical Physics

Unit II

Fourier series: Fourier theorem and computation of Fourier coefficients. Even and odd functions, half range expansion, sums and scale changes, forced oscillations, Expansion Techniques: integration and differentiation. Introduction to Fourier transform and its simple applications.

Unit V

Matrices: Inverse of a matrix, adjoint, Hermition adjoint, Solution of liner equations using matrix.

Normas and inner products, orthogonal sets and matrices, the Gram Schmidt process and the Q-R factorization theorem. Projection matrices. Least square fit of data. Eigen values and Eigen vectors, diagonalization of matrices. Examples involving up to 3Ă—3 matrices and for the case of real symmetric and simple matrices. Solution of linear differential equations for the homogeneous and non-homogeneous cases.

Reference books

  1. Mathematical Methods bby Potter and Glodberg (Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.) (I followed.)
  2. Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists by Pipes and Harvill (McGraw Hill Book Co.)