BSc pt I lab

List of practicals in BSc Pt-I

Section A

(Timing: Wednesday and Thursday, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM)

  1. To Study the variation of power transfer by two different loads by a DC source and to verify maximum power transfer theorem.
  2. To study the variation of charge and current in a RC circuit with a different time constant (using a DC source).
  3. To study the behavior of a RC circuit with varying resistance and capacitance using AC mains as a power source and also to determine the impedance and phase relations.
  4. To study the voltage and current behavior of an LR circuit with an AC power source. Also determine power factor, impedance and phase relations.
  5. To study the characteristics of a semi-conductor junction diode and determine forward and reverse resistances.
  6. To study the magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil. Plot the necessary graph and hence find radius of the circular coil.
  7. To determine the specific resistance of a material and determine difference between two small resistance using Carey Fosters Bridge.
  8. To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter of a given range.
  9. To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter of a given range.

Section B

  1. To study the random decay and determine the decay constant using one side marked cubes. (the statistical board).
  2. To study the damping with air using compound pendulum (and blades of different sizes).
  3. To study the damping with electromagnetic force using compound pendulum (coil and different resistances).
  4. To determine Young modulus by bending of beam.
  5. To determine Y, σ and η by Searle's method.
  6. To study the specific-rotation of sugar solution by polarimeter.