Basic Computer Physics and Applications

  • Dates and timings: Friday and Saturday 01:00 PM – 03:00 PM (IST)

  • Starting date: Revision of prerequisites from 05 August 2019; new course material from 12 August 2019


(Each lecture includes 2 hours time)

  • Revision Lectures: Introduction to course, flow charts and algorithm: 5 and 6 August 2019

  • Lecture 1: Exercise of last two lectures on computers: 12 August 2019

  • Lecture 2: Exercise of last two lectures on computers: 13 August 2019

  • Lecture 3: Looping and their use in c-programming:: 19 August 2019

  • Lecture 4: Array and their use in c-programming: 20 August 2019

  • Teaching off due to student election: 26 and 27 August 2019

  • Holiday: Ganesh Chaturthi: 2 September 2019

  • Lecture 5: : 3 September 2019

  • Lecture 6: : 9 September 2019

  • Holiday: Muharram: 10 September 2019

  • Lecture 7: : 11 September 2019

  • Lecture 8: : 16 September 2019

  • Lecture 9: : 17 September 2019

  • Lecture 10: : 23 September 2019

  • Lecture 11: : 24 September 2019

  • Lecture 12: 30 September 2019

  • Lecture 13: 1 October 2019

  • Holiday: Dashahara: 7, 8 October 2019

  • Holiday: : 8 October 2019

  • Lecture 14: : 14 October 2019

  • Lecture 15: : 15 October 2019

  • Holiday: Deepawali: 21 to 29 October 2019

  • Lecture 16: 4 November 2019

  • Lecture 17: 5 November 2019

  • Lecture 18: 11 November 2019

  • Lecture 19: 18 November 2019

  • Lecture 20: 19 November 2019

  • Lecture 21: 25 November 2019

  • Lecture 22: 26 November 2019

  • Lecture 23: 2 December 2019

  • Lecture 24: 3 December 2019

  • Lecture 25: 9 December 2019

  • Lecture 26: 10 December 2019

  • Lecture 27: 16 December 2019

  • Lecture 28: 17 December 2019

  • Lecture 29: 23 December 2019

  • No course discussion on 24 December 2019 as per student's choice.

  • There were some lectures in January 2020 for the same but couldn't be recorded here.


Paper - IX: Basic Computer Physics and Applications

Unit - I

Algorithm development: Problem analysis, flow chart, decision tables; Examples of simple algorithms; Programme Design: Debugging syntax error, run-time error, logical error, programme verification and testing.

Data Representation: Representation of positive and negative numbers, fixed point representation, floating point representation. Arthmetic operations with normalized floating point numbers and its consequences, character representation, rounding off of numbers, abslute and relative errors, error detection and error correcting codes.

Unit - II

Programming Language C:

Numeric constants, declaring variable names, character data type; Arithmetic operators, hierarchy of operations, assignment statements, Input/output statements; Library functions, Elementary Programmes in C for numeric and string processing.

Conditional statements: relational operators; Arithmetic IF and Logical IF statements; Unconditionaltransfer: GO TO statement; Looping: DO loops, nested loops; Functions and subroutines; Subscripted variables: vectors and arrays; Writing and executing C programmes. Programmes in C to (i) compute magnetic field due to a current carrying coil (ii) compute electric field due to a system of point charges (iii) study frequency response of an LCR circuit (iv) Evaluate Bessel's function, Legendre function, Hermite Polynomial, Languerre's Polynomial by series expansion. Evaluation of simple functions by Taylor Series Expansion.

Unit - III

Iterative Methods: Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations using bisection method, method of false position, Newton-Raphson method; Complex zeros, zeros of polynomials; Simple applications related to Physics like programmes in C to evalute zeros of simple functions.

Interpolation: Lagrange interpolation, Difference tables, truncation error in interpolation, Spline interpolation.

Unit - IV

Least Square Approximation: Linear regression, Polynomial regression, fitting exponential and trigonometric functions, approximation of functions by Taylor' series and Chebyshev polynomials, curve fitting and polynomial fitting, Programmes in C related to physics on above topics.

Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, errors in integration formulae, Gaussian quadrature formulae. Programmes in C related to physics on above topics.

Unit - V

Numerical Solution of Ordinary differential equations: Taylor's method, Euler's method and Runge-Kutta methods; Programmes in C related to physics on above topics.

Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations

Finite Difference methods for solution of (i) The diffusion equation (ii) the wave equation and (iii) the Laplace equation; Programmes in C related to physics on above topics.

Reference Books:

  1. Computer Science, R. Dheen Dayalue (Tata McGraw Hill)

  2. Computer System Architecture, Morris-Mano (Prentice Hall of India)

  3. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, V. Rajaraman (Prentice Hall of India)

  4. Mathematical Methods, Potter and Goldberg (Prentice Hall of India)

  5. Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations, M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger, R.K. Jain (New Age International)

  6. Numerical Methods for Engineers by Steven C Chapra and Raymond P. Canale (McGraw Hill)